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How to De-Index Tag Pages in WordPress for Better SEO

As Google continues to emphasize content quality and relevance, every SEO action, including de-indexing, can have a significant impact on your website’s visibility. Here, we’ll explore how to de-index tag pages in WordPress, a vital step in streamlining your site’s search results and elevating your most valuable content.

Why De-Indexing Tag Pages in WordPress Matters for SEO

Tag pages can be redundant or duplicate content, causing lower SEO performance if left unchecked. By learning how to de-index tag pages in WordPress, you can prevent search engines from indexing low-value tag archives, making it easier for users to find what matters most.

Table of Contents

What is De-Indexing in WordPress?

De-indexing prevents search engines from including specific pages in their index, reducing the chance of users seeing low-value content in search results. For WordPress users, de-indexing tag pages can streamline site architecture and improve SEO by directing focus to more meaningful content.

Why De-Index Tag Pages in WordPress?

By de-indexing tag pages, you:

  • Eliminate Redundant Content: Avoid duplicate or redundant search results.
  • Increase Page Authority: Allow essential pages to gain more authority.
  • Enhance User Experience: Users can find relevant pages faster.
  • Boost SEO: Google favors sites with clear, concise content and penalizes those with duplicates.

7 Steps to De-Index Tag Pages in WordPress

Here are seven proven steps on how to de-index tag pages in WordPress:

1. Install Yoast SEO for De-Index Control

  • Begin by installing Yoast SEO, a plugin offering granular control over indexing settings for pages, posts, and tags.
  • Navigate to SEO > Search Appearance in the dashboard to access de-index settings.

2. Access Search Appearance Settings

  • Open Search Appearance in Yoast SEO.
  • In the Taxonomies section, locate Tags settings.

3. Toggle ‘Show Tags in Search Results’ Off

  • Under Tags, switch the Show Tags in Search Results? setting to “No.”
  • This action applies the noindex meta tag to tag archives, keeping them from appearing in search engines.

4. Edit Robots.txt to Block Tag Pages

  • Open robots.txt via your SEO plugin or access your FTP files.
  • Add this line:
    Disallow: /tag/
  • This directive tells search engines not to crawl tag pages.

5. Verify Using Google Search Console

  • Log into Google Search Console and verify that tag pages have been excluded.

6. Apply Noindex via Header.php (Advanced Users)

  • Add a noindex directive in header.php for advanced control:
    if (is_tag()) {
    echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow">';
  • This allows tag pages to remain navigable within the site without showing up on SERPs.

7. Regularly Audit and Update Tag Settings

  • Periodically review which tags are indexed or de-indexed to ensure alignment with SEO strategy.

Using Robots.txt for De-Indexing Tag Pages

The robots.txt file is essential for specifying which areas of your site search engines should avoid crawling. Here’s how to configure robots.txt for tag page de-indexing:

  1. Edit Robots.txt: Most SEO plugins, such as Yoast or All-in-One SEO, allow you to edit this file directly from the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Disallow Tag Pages:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /tag/
    De-Indexing WordPress
    De-Indexing WordPress
  3. Test in Google Search Console: Google’s Robots Testing Tool allows you to verify your changes are working.

Pros and Cons of Robots.txt for De-Indexing

Pros Cons
Prevents crawl, saves time Not always honored by all search engines
Simple to implement Does not guarantee de-indexing, only blocks

Using the Noindex Meta Tag for Tag Pages

The noindex meta tag is one of the most reliable ways to ensure tag pages are excluded from search results without blocking them from being crawled. Here’s how to apply it to tag pages:

Adding Noindex to Tag Pages Using Yoast SEO

  1. Go to Search Appearance in the Yoast SEO dashboard.
  2. Toggle Show Tags in Search Results? to “No.”
  3. Save changes, and Yoast will automatically apply noindex tags to all tag pages.

Adding Noindex to Header.php

For manual application:

  1. Open header.php in your WordPress theme editor.
  2. Insert this PHP code:
    if (is_tag()) {
    echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow">';

This method directly integrates the noindex tag into your theme’s header file, preventing tag pages from indexing while remaining crawlable.

Read More :

Unlock the Power of Web Indexing: 5 Key Steps for Success

Yoast SEO Plugin for Tag Page De-Indexing

Using Yoast, de-indexing tag pages becomes a straightforward process. Here’s a detailed look at how to configure Yoast for optimal tag management.

Step-by-Step Setup in Yoast SEO

  1. Access Yoast SEO Settings: Open Yoast and navigate to the Search Appearance tab.
  2. Open Taxonomies Section: Go to Taxonomies and find Tags.
  3. Toggle Tags Setting to No: Instruct Yoast to exclude tag pages from indexing by selecting “No” under “Show Tags in search results?”
  4. Save and Verify: Update the settings and confirm that tag pages are not visible in Google searches.
Manage WordPress Tags
Manage WordPress Tags

This plugin-based approach is user-friendly and doesn’t require technical skills, making it accessible to all WordPress users.

Removing Tag Pages from Google Search Console

For immediate de-indexing, Google Search Console (GSC) allows you to temporarily remove URLs from search results.

Using Google Search Console’s Removal Tool

  1. Log into GSC: Select your website’s property.
  2. Navigate to Removals: Click on Index > Removals > New Request.
  3. Enter URL: Provide the URL of the tag page you want to remove, then submit.

This action temporarily removes the tag page from Google’s index, typically lasting up to six months. Pair this step with noindex for lasting results.

Best Practices for Tag Page Management

Effective tag page management reduces the need for frequent de-indexing while preserving the integrity of your SEO strategy.

Limit the Number of Tags Created

Instead of using multiple tags per post, limit tags to a few, highly relevant ones to reduce the creation of redundant tag pages.

Review Indexed Pages Regularly

Using tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider or Ahrefs, identify low-value tag pages that may require de-indexing. This approach maintains a lean and focused index for your site.

Only Use Tags that Add Value

Restrict tag usage to terms with unique, high-value content. Tags that mirror categories or overlap with multiple posts dilute the relevance of your indexed pages.

De-Indexing WordPress
SEO Best Practices

Also Read :

Your Ultimate Solution for SEO Success: Unlock the Power of SEO Tools Rapid URL Indexer


Q1: What does it mean to de-index tag pages in WordPress?

A: De-indexing tag pages in WordPress means removing these pages from search engine results. This is often done to improve SEO by focusing on higher-quality content. Knowing how to de-index tag pages in WordPress can enhance your site’s visibility.

Q2: Why should I learn how to de-index tag pages in WordPress?

A: Learning how to de-index tag pages in WordPress helps eliminate low-value content that might dilute your site’s SEO. This strategy allows search engines to focus on your most important pages, improving overall ranking.

Q3: Does de-indexing tag pages affect my site’s traffic?

A: While it may seem counterintuitive, properly de-indexing tag pages in WordPress can lead to increased organic traffic. By removing less relevant pages, search engines prioritize your most valuable content, attracting more visitors.

Q4: Can I still use tags after de-indexing them in WordPress?
A: Yes, you can still use tags even after de-indexing tag pages in WordPress. Tags remain functional for internal navigation and organizing content, ensuring users can find related posts easily.

Q5: How often should I review my tags to consider de-indexing?
A: It’s advisable to review your tags quarterly. If you notice multiple low-performing tag pages, it may be time to consider how to de-index tag pages in WordPress to keep your site optimized for search engines.

By following these strategies, you’ll understand exactly how to de-index tag pages in WordPress, making your website leaner and more SEO-friendly. Implementing these steps not only helps improve your SEO standing but also enhances user experience by focusing on high-quality, relevant content.

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